Warning Server Hosts

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Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
Tonight i caught someone para running on server so i put him in a room asn asked to turn off but gave me abuse back and threatened with DDOS then done the same to another GM, u can all say what you want about you cant prove if they cheat or whatever but civily talking about it would have been fine, a grunt and a fk u wud have been acceptable but threatening to DDOS is not good.

If you are a GM on a server watch out for this dude because next time it mite not just be a big mouth.


LOMCN Veteran
May 18, 2007
you know any normal internet cant just use DDoS it takes years and years off programming knowledge to create a working botnet a worm and spread it on irc this person is lying, he dosent know anything.... only people you gotta worry about are hacking teams across the net u get them from time to time, phantoms which will take your net out within seconds and keep it running on u 4eva... with about 1million ips which cannot be traced... i have yet to see anybody on mir do any off the sort, not even a spam or udp flood, belive me this person is lying...


Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
you know any normal internet cant just use DDoS it takes years and years off programming knowledge to create a working botnet a worm and spread it on irc this person is lying, he dosent know anything.... only people you gotta worry about are hacking teams across the net u get them from time to time, phantoms which will take your net out within seconds and keep it running on u 4eva... with about 1million ips which cannot be traced... i have yet to see anybody on mir do any off the sort, not even a spam or udp flood, belive me this person is lying...
Well its BestBet from these forums and apparently its not the first time hes done it, according to him its 100's and 100's lol, but meh watch out for him hes a fool, he admitted he was using dbz2.8 or summik which im guessing is cheat program so meh i know cheats when i see them and thats all good by me


LOMCN Veteran
May 18, 2007
Well im talking about connection attacking, if your running a dedi it has a massive connection.. i mean really big at 1gb connection wud lag it a little using udp flood on 1 pc a ddos [distrubuted denial off service] is basically a worm thts spread around the internet which allows a prgram to control more and more pc's using 1/10th off each connection soo the servers dont regocnize it the bigger the botnet the more the power... and the more the ips but belive me it is a very hard thing to do, i used to be in a hacking team called TeamElite, some off them was able to do it but it took years and years off learning and they was profffessionall hackers, belive me somebody who plays mir would defo not be able to take a server down using brute force... only password hacking ( pretty much impossible ) wud be able to take it down, dedi's these days are very powerfull connections.... belive me no1 can take 1 down who plays mir, theres nothing to worry about.


Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
Well im talking about connection attacking, if your running a dedi it has a massive connection.. i mean really big at 1gb connection wud lag it a little using udp flood on 1 pc a ddos [distrubuted denial off service] is basically a worm thts spread around the internet which allows a prgram to control more and more pc's using 1/10th off each connection soo the servers dont regocnize it the bigger the botnet the more the power... and the more the ips but belive me it is a very hard thing to do, i used to be in a hacking team called TeamElite, some off them was able to do it but it took years and years off learning and they was profffessionall hackers, belive me somebody who plays mir would defo not be able to take a server down using brute force... only password hacking ( pretty much impossible ) wud be able to take it down, dedi's these days are very powerfull connections.... belive me no1 can take 1 down who plays mir, theres nothing to worry about.
Ok bud cheers for the reassurance, i had read up on it a bit a few months back but i hear it so often its hard not to believe it.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
bestbest what do u mean bull****?

u r a cheating little *** u even admitted it to me on MSN.
host's have nothing to worry about he's just a twat with a few cheats


Well im talking about connection attacking, if your running a dedi it has a massive connection.. i mean really big at 1gb connection wud lag it a little using udp flood on 1 pc a ddos [distrubuted denial off service] is basically a worm thts spread around the internet which allows a prgram to control more and more pc's using 1/10th off each connection soo the servers dont regocnize it the bigger the botnet the more the power... and the more the ips but belive me it is a very hard thing to do, i used to be in a hacking team called TeamElite, some off them was able to do it but it took years and years off learning and they was profffessionall hackers, belive me somebody who plays mir would defo not be able to take a server down using brute force... only password hacking ( pretty much impossible ) wud be able to take it down, dedi's these days are very powerfull connections.... belive me no1 can take 1 down who plays mir, theres nothing to worry about.
Sorry but hate to put a downer on what you said.

You can very easly kill a 1GB conneciton of a home users pc and by the way, most dedis companys are using 1TB connections any way.
There are some many ways of killing servers and are pritty easy for the novice to do. All you need is a basic understanding of things like telnet and IP comand shells. Anyone can create a program that use's multi IP attacks and not just comming from the same connection.

There is also software availble that allows you to write into most OS platforms and gain access that way. A server being brought down, doesn't necessarly have to be by DDosing(which if anyone did DDos you its logged, not only by the server application, but also by a neat littel program used by hosting comapnys)

This is where phone phreaking comes in or even using proxies.

1 in 5 servers are brought down by home users every day, some by experienced hackers and otehrs by novices that are playing about. The only time you ever hear about servers being brought down, are when such likes as the FBI security mainframe was brought down a few years back.

Though I've only ever known one Mir server to be brought down, but that was to there own stupidity.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
@Dumachi you see it wrong ^^ , on the Internet you find many many things. You can find Software to make Virus or Trojan with two clicks, you get Software to DDos easy Server with proxy roting and so one. Atm it is not so hard to made bad things without knowlage. I work for a Project with Secure things and I have see in the last years many bad things ;-) . In germany we
work with the Server Companys and Telecomunication Company to get the bad boy to Prison.


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
I can confirm IP matches Bestbet

LOMCN Global Forum Rules and Guidelines
  • LOMCN DOES NOT WANT users which participate in DoSing/cheating/scamming or otherwise disrupting any on-line server/user in any shape of form.
  • LOMCN reserves the right to remove users which merely threaten the operation of on-line servers.
  • Users compromising action to protect a server, will have sanctions placed on their account.
  • LOMCN is happy to provide IP addresses of users suspected to participate in such activity.
Solid proof needed



LOMCN Veteran
Aug 4, 2003
Sorry but hate to put a downer on what you said.

You can very easly kill a 1GB conneciton of a home users pc and by the way, most dedis companys are using 1TB connections any way.

thats 0 for 2 now :P got loopback IP wrong, now this :)

1TB connections DO NOT exist. highest are OC-256 or 512 i believe that run around 12-15Gbps. and even that speed is not possible to achieve off 'one box' due to hard drive RPM limits. Fastest you can achieve usually is 10-12megabits per harddrive (top of the line hd).

#1.. No 'one box' is a 1TB connection or even gigabit, these are reserved for the major pipelines for general traffic. And most of these.. atleast in US, i dont no about UK have protection now.. from something simple as a Ddos attack. You will rarely see it these days, except on home internet lines or smaller dedicated host companies that run T1 or cable lines, or half burst 10mbit lines.

#2.. most major dedicated hosts (such as theplanet.com) dont allow DDoS attacking anymore, as it shields from repetative attacks.
i would read into some of the technology Cisco has created to not allow IP spoofing DDos attacks or packet attacks from occuring..

more realistically i think your server might just have a weak password :) either a weak GM pass or a weak remote desktop password :) i also am aware of keyloggers distrubuted by going to the wrong website or someone giving you a bad file :)

id worry less about a botnet attack, and more about strengthening passwords
checking for any leaks on your box, and checking for any leaks on your own system you play off.

what kind of person would spend the time knocking something out that doesnt make money or has no real value :) hehe
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LOMCN Veteran
May 18, 2007
Sorry but hate to put a downer on what you said.

You can very easly kill a 1GB conneciton of a home users pc and by the way, most dedis companys are using 1TB connections any way.
There are some many ways of killing servers and are pritty easy for the novice to do. All you need is a basic understanding of things like telnet and IP comand shells. Anyone can create a program that use's multi IP attacks and not just comming from the same connection.

There is also software availble that allows you to write into most OS platforms and gain access that way. A server being brought down, doesn't necessarly have to be by DDosing(which if anyone did DDos you its logged, not only by the server application, but also by a neat littel program used by hosting comapnys)

This is where phone phreaking comes in or even using proxies.

1 in 5 servers are brought down by home users every day, some by experienced hackers and otehrs by novices that are playing about. The only time you ever hear about servers being brought down, are when such likes as the FBI security mainframe was brought down a few years back.

Though I've only ever known one Mir server to be brought down, but that was to there own stupidity.

i was kinda talking about brute force, packet flooding etc... dos and ddos and ip spoofing etc etc


thats 0 for 2 now :P got loopback IP wrong, now this :)

1TB connections DO NOT exist. highest are OC-256 or 512 i believe that run around 12-15Gbps. and even that speed is not possible to achieve off 'one box' due to hard drive RPM limits. Fastest you can achieve usually is 10-12megabits per harddrive (top of the line hd).learn to read first - Most dedi companys run of a backbone that is 1TB = these mean companys that run major servers not these 2 bit companys - You would know this if you traveled outside of the EU = You not seen japans backbone.

#1.. No 'one box' is a 1TB connection or even gigabit, these are reserved for the major pipelines for general traffic. And most of these.. atleast in US, i dont no about UK have protection now.. from something simple as a Ddos attack. You will rarely see it these days, except on home internet lines or smaller dedicated host companies that run T1 or cable lines, or half burst 10mbit lines. Did I ever say one box was 1TB Errrmmmm think not so come on try again and I was stating major dedi companys not ****ty little wanna bes.

#2.. most major dedicated hosts (such as theplanet.com) dont allow DDoS attacking anymore, as it shields from repetative attacks.
i would read into some of the technology Cisco has created to not allow IP spoofing DDos attacks or packet attacks from occuring.. And have you just read books or have you ever tried it out hacking a cisco netframe router, its great fun and by the way you do know who is behind cisco don't you????

more realistically i think your server might just have a weak password :) either a weak GM pass or a weak remote desktop password :) i also am aware of keyloggers distrubuted by going to the wrong website or someone giving you a bad file :)

id worry less about a botnet attack, and more about strengthening passwords
checking for any leaks on your box, and checking for any leaks on your own system you play off.

what kind of person would spend the time knocking something out that doesnt make money or has no real value :) hehe.Because most people do this to annoy people.
You are really begining to tick me off you know that.

Really Inflikted, is that all you ever do is try and pull people down.
As for the subject of loop back on MSOS I can If I could be bother give you a full blow by blow on how it works and how certain things and conditions can effect it same with most subjects that I make a comment on and most of it comes from experience not reading somthing you read on WiKi.
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 4, 2003
my point is.. its highly highly highly highly highly illogical for a ddos attack.. especially on a mir3 server that makes no real money.. :) i tried to point out the more.. logical flaws that could have occurred and i hope the original poster of this thread looks into that. rather than getting scared he will be constantly ddos'd by someone he kicks off his server.

and once again, 1TB connections dont exist :) you can add pipelines together... like 100 OC128 lines. infact if you show me a dedicated host company where they run a full 1 TB pipeline with no breaks. ill hush up and stop pestering you hehe :)

cisco router.. i never said anything about hacking routers :) i recall in an older version of the software there is a manipulation of the 'freezing the router' by sending a large hash password or sending large pings to it and gaining access to it while its attempting a reboot since it cant respond, and reverts to default mode. then gain the password file, and then decrypt the password file... though this method is crude as.. either way you will eventually get caught by a good admin, if you disable history or leave history running they will see what your doing. but ya, still goes to my point its illogical, and these glitches are on older version of the software cisco runs. which i doubt most large dedicated host run. and even if there are newer exploits on routers.. your exploit wont go unnoticed.. as they keep history logs.. and if you disable them they will notice they are gone :)

and its fun to pick on people :P hehe :) you dont like debating? we need a debate forum :P im just picking on ya ;)


LOMCN MiR3 Queen!
Jun 3, 2004
This thread needs a stop. (I say anything can be broken into... it's a matter of time and technology)

and again, if you have screenshots, etc... bring them in.
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