Xbox 360!


Natural Selection
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2003
Ive already seen the xbox 360 wireless pads for sale. They either come with or have for sale (very cheap i might add) a rechargble battery that plugs into the console (so basicly you can play it wired if you wanted)

and as for the pads. well just think about it as a different console. no one complained they couldnt use there snes pads on the n64 it was an entirly new system.this is the same.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 22, 2005
i cant afford to buy them anyway have more important things to spend my money on but widh i could want both consoles really bad.


Natural Selection
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2003
Jimmy101 said:
i cant afford to buy them anyway have more important things to spend my money on but widh i could want both consoles really bad.

Indeed. I did want a psp mainly because there just kinda handy and the games play well but im waiting untill theres a betetr selection of games. Considered trying to get the xbox after christmas but i use my pc alot so im hoping to get a new monitor. my ones huge so i wanna replace it with a flat one but sticking to 19" size minamum....which isnt that cheap for a good one :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 2, 2003
Brighton, UK.
I heard somewhere that Square-Enix may be platforming on XBOX turf in the near future.... Rumor, or is there any depth to it?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 22, 2005
[Virus] said:
Sonic you're such a cheapskate lol.

Accrding to the table the 360 will be better, and the PS3 wont be that much cheaper if not more expensive, i think it is set for $400?

lol everyone will see weather the xbox kiks off or not, im going to see one tomorrow.:bounce:

everyone already knows that ps3 will own all consoles , but people are trying ther hardest to defend the xbox 360. Lol just take it PS3 will own.:middle:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
It costs $18 dollars to physical make my $500 video card. I highly doubt it costs $525 dollars to make a Xbox 360.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 6, 2003
To keep up with the PS2, for every xbox sold microsoft lost £50at one point


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 22, 2005
asda said:
To keep up with the PS2, for every xbox sold microsoft lost £50at one point

this is true, did it ot keep up lol but they never even caught up wiv ps2


Mar 27, 2003
Sonic said:

1. Price will be rediculous.
2. Not enough games to make it worth buying.
3. Can't play original XBox games (Makes it more ****)
4. Also can't use original XBox Controllers
5. Only can hold 2 Controllers, not 4

These reasons make the original XBox 100% useless and a waste of money, eventually im sure they will make games similiar to the original XBox games but in XBox 360 version.

E.g Halo 3 in XBox 360, better version of Halo 2 on 1st XBox, which if u have a 360, makes Halo2 unwanted and a waste of money.

My God i've never read such a big piece of bull sh1t in my life (no offence)

1. The pricing isn't rediculous, it's not much more than both the xbox and the ps2 when it came out. Also the PS3 will cost upto £100 quid more when it is released, and by that time the 360 will be half the price of the PS3......

2. Ok i agree that the start up line isn't fantastic, but Perfect Dark Zero is very good and there are quite a few games in the making which will be fantastic (many people would buy a 360 for Halo 3).

3. Hmm let me see..... YES YOU CAN! You can play upto 95% of all the xbox games released on the 360, and this included all the ones that you would want to play (Halo 2 etc).

4. Of cause you can't use the original controllers, why would you want to? In my opinion the old controllers weren't that great (especially the big ones). Also why would you want to use wired, unconfortable and black controllers (the console is white lol).

5. You really are misinformed aren't you. The 360 can use 4 controllers which in my opinion is better than having "7" like you can (for some reason) on the PS3.

I hate people like Sonic who just say aload of **** which they've heard. Next time do your research before trying to be clever.

Also all consoles sell for a loss when they come out, but they make this back when they make the games. After approximately a year the price of the console drops due to the technology becoming cheaper, and this will be the same for the PS3 but worse. Since the PS3 will physically cost a hell of alot more to make, sony will have to sell it much higher. There is also the fact that Sony are in debt, and therefore can't afford to loose money like Microsoft can.

Nero said "only 300 xbox 360's are getting sent to england this christmas". This is clearly rediculous. If you looked around properly you will find that there will be about 200 thousand consoles in the UK, and about 400 thousand in Europe. There will be about 1-1.5 million in America and every single one of these will be sold within days. Even thought we're getting 200 thosuand of them this is a hell of alot less than the demand, but microsoft did this so that they got their console out before christmas. You will find that places like amazon have a march / april delivery time on the 360 if you order it now.

Anyway i hope that everyone who actually posts from now on actually checks what they say before they say it as most of whats been said on this thread is totally rubish.

Thank You


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 8, 2004
bio is doesnt cost anywhere near that much to produce things.
the cost of developing is the major cost but i cant see it costing more than $150 for them to make an xbox even when its brand new...the more they produce in 1 batch the cheaper it will be so its up to them how much they save
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Biohazard said:
It costs $18 dollars to physical make my $500 video card. I highly doubt it costs $525 dollars to make a Xbox 360.

The difference is that the 360 is using very much non-standard components, which drive the manufacutring price up.

Take for example that graphics chip. Not only is it a completely new design, it also has two dies, and probably a relatively poor yield.

And let's not even get started on the processor, which is a monstrosity in itself.

So while it may not exactly be $525, it won't be too far off, not at this early stage, anyway.


Speckle: You're resorting to personal insults now that you've been owned, not just by one, but by two people.

It's probably better if you go play Barbie Horse Adventure on your 1st generation PS2.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
Oh oh oh, do you have Barbie Horse Adventure 2: Mystery Rider? lol.

But anyways, Auron I see what your getting at, and you put it well. I didn't think about how all that stuff is pretty much new. But it's hard to believe that that the Xbox 260 is costs $525.
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Biohazard said:
Oh oh oh, do you have Barbie Horse Adventure 2: Mystery Rider? lol.

But anyways, Auron I see what your getting at, and you put it well. I didn't think about how all that stuff is pretty much new. But it's hard to believe that that the Xbox 260 is costs $525.

Actually, I'm pretty sure there was a peice on Slashdot about it yesterday.

Seems to place the figure around $470 per actual console.

As for the PS3, the loss on that ***** will be insane.