Search results

  1. Raptor Jesus


    The light faded into the darkness with only a small glow on the horizon remaining. Nothing had seen it, experianced it, or witnessed the incredible colour spectrum that had penetrated the earth's atmosphere. The planet had been the stage for a spectacular event, but there was nothing alive to...
  2. Raptor Jesus

    Age of Empires 2 Match.

    New information: 06/12/06: The game will be the Original Age of Empires. A torrent is available for anyone who wants to play the game, and hopefully some further measures can be set up as well to get the downloads done faster. The game .rar is only 44MB in size. If you wish to reserve a spot...
  3. Raptor Jesus

    Need help, seriously im crying here.

    Where Do I Attack Crab For Massive Damage?!?! Edited to include serious ****. Im looking for someone proficient in programming and graphics to tak up staff positions on my site writing tutorials and helping people with stuff. You get to moderate your own sections, and hand out tax-free abuse...
  4. Raptor Jesus

    Im in your base, killing your dudes (V2)

    Contents This post contains the following: 1. General information about this thread 2. Rules for the gaming sessions 3. Match and Application Information 4. A list of RTS games for online play 5. A list of the upcomming matches...
  5. Raptor Jesus

    Im in your base, killing your dudes.

    DELETE THIS THREAD PLOX. new thread being made that will contain different information etc, same name.
  6. Raptor Jesus

    Raptor Jesus has spoken tbh. Were looking for people intrested in raping MMORPG games by forming a decent sized clan/guild/whatever to start on an upcomming game (game yet to be decided). Obviously the site is about more than that, and as ive declared once I get a fair amount of people on there...
  7. Raptor Jesus

    Anyone know who this is?

    [email protected] Whoever it is, their MSN name as they added me informed me that they were instantly going to be an enemy of mine, and not a friend. It was one of those retarded people who have reatrded names with multiple capital letters all over the place etc. Anyway, if nobody...
  8. Raptor Jesus


    Sums of money, 22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions...... Except one.... Deal or No deal?
  9. Raptor Jesus

    Plans for the future?

    So whats everyone's plan for the future? Personally im planning on becoming Immortal, then waiting to see if the universe collapses on itself, at which point I will attempt to leave the boundaries of the universe and become a god. You guys wont need to worry about it because you will all be...
  10. Raptor Jesus

    Zomg and a game beta

    Ive just been speaking to a particular contact of mine who cannot be named, and they are attempting to get me some fast access beta keys to the game "9Dragons" which started beta yesterday in Europe. Anyone who wants to have a chance at getting a key needs to go to...
  11. Raptor Jesus

    Hi Everyone

    Your Raptor saviour has returned. "Carbonated Low Calorie Lemon Soft Drink With Sweeteners"