Project69 2.3 New Start Level for 6 year anniversary - Level 54

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 8, 2003
As a part of the Easter Event to begin tomorrow, among other updates, there are 64 new quests being released to add to the 32 current farmer quests.

The following require you to be reborn and a hero:
Quest 33: Bone Collector:
Quest 34: Special Delivery:
Quest 35: Slayer of Beasts:
Quest 36: Trophy Collector:
Quest 37: Game Score ***** 1:
Quest 38: Pest Removal 1:
Quest 39: Its Cold Down There:
Quest 40: Money Problems:
Quest 41: Den of Evil:
Quest 42: Sisters' Burial Grounds:
Quest 43: Search for Cain:
Quest 44: The Forgotten Tower:
Quest 45: Tools of the Trade:
Quest 46: Sisters to the Slaughter:
Quest 47: Radament's Lair:
Quest 48: The Horadric Staff:
Quest 49: Tainted Sun:
Quest 50: Pest Removal 2:
Quest 51: Slayer of More Beasts:
Quest 52: Poisoned Water:
Quest 53: Magic Rock:
Quest 54: Warlord of Blood:
Quest 55: Chamber of Bone:
Quest 56: Come Sail With Me:
Quest 57: Fox Head Collector:
Quest 58: Training Warrior:
Quest 59: Pest Removal 3:
Quest 60: More Money Problems:
Quest 61: Holy Knight:
Quest 62: Game Score ***** 2:
Quest 63: Slayer of Even More Beasts :
Quest 64: The Fat Man Sings:

The following require you to be level 90:
Quest 65: Bone Collector:
Quest 66: Slayer of Beasts:
Quest 67: Pest Removal 1:
Quest 68: Special Delivery 1:
Quest 69: The Seven Tombs:
Quest 70: Blade of the Old Religion:
Quest 71: Khalim's Will:
Quest 72: Game Score ***** 1:
Quest 73: Slayer of More Beasts:
Quest 74: Pest Removal 2:
Quest 75: Akara's Student:
Quest 76: To Hell and Back:
Quest 77: Andariel's Revenge:
Quest 78: Magic Rock:
Quest 79: Ruler of the Mountain:
Quest 80: Money Problems:
Quest 81: Game Score ***** 6:
Quest 82: Lam Esen's Tome:
Quest 83: The Blackened Temple:
Quest 84: The Guardian:
Quest 85: The Fallen Angel:
Quest 86: Siege on Harrogath:
Quest 87: Prison of Ice:
Quest 88: Extinction:
Quest 89: Arachnofobia:
Quest 90: Pheonix of Chaos:
Quest 91: Born of Flame and Fire:
Quest 92: Pest Removal 3:
Quest 93: More Money Problems:
Quest 94: Slayer of Even More Beasts:
Quest 95: Defender of the Peace:
Quest 96: The Fat Choir Sings:

More details to be announced later.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 8, 2003
Its easter in Project69 and with that comes the easter event! As a part of the event there is a huge patch (take a look) with over 200 new items, 100 new monsters, 64 new quests and 30 new bosses!

What the event brings:
  1. A huge patch
  2. 2x Experience
  3. 2x Drops
  4. An Evil Easter Bunny prowling Prajna Island and dropping presents/items
  5. And moderator led events with Random Gift Prizes to be won
Whats new and whats changed in Project69:
  • Experience gems give more of a boost and work up to but not including level 70.
  • Increased drop chances for all lower level items to coincide with the faster rate of leveling.
  • New Item sets, armours, weapons and stones for a wide range of levels up to and including level 115. Over 200 new items in total within different regions spread over the whole of Mir.
  • Two new levels of Rebirth Pet are available – Level 5 and 6, the Old Lady in Past Bichon will explain details of creating new food bags, they are also available on trader.
  • Two new spells added for wizard, Blizzard and Red Dragon Fire.
  • A total of 64 new Farmers Quests are available, 32 for rebirth and 32 for level 90. The original 32 Farmers quests now give slightly more experience prizes.
  • The Trader has new and updated GameGold trading options. Some prices have been reduced and some new items added.
  • Achievements are now available for Svaltuses and Sword Master’s Legion. Also available for Sword Master, Valkyrie, Hercules, Forseti and Thor.
  • Sunken Temple added with 4 regions Valhalla, Dungeon Path, Forseti’s Temple and The Temple of Thunder containing 4 new bosses and 8 new sub bosses.
A patch is required and can be downloaded from this link or from the download area.

Last edited:


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 15, 2004
i promised myself i wouldn't start playing a server again, but it looks like i'v been roped in by the commitment of scorpian with his huge updates and uptime of the server. I will be downloading asap. What's your average usercount at the moment scorp?


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 15, 2004
sounds good to me, as i'v quit making servers i shall start playing them again, and think i will be giving this a good go, i'm sure i will get into it and hopefully know some of the players.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 23, 2004
great new update, this has even braught me back, im gna start playing over the hols and probly come back XD

nice work scorp !!



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 23, 2004
due to having double xp i suggest any one who was thinking about playing this server come try it out during the easter event.

for new players;

Where to level for a new player?


Ant cave / death valley mines / serpent tomb


Death Valley Mines / Serpent Tomb / Parjna Temple


Parjna Temple probly best

get some exp gems up to level 60 you can get x3 i think is the highest but after that just x2 up to 70 while the event is on and its double XP atm ne way so you can get x5 if your under 60 and x4 if your over 60.

very good server, just takes a little getting started but so worth it.

come join :D



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
I have to agree the servers good. Now would be an amazing time to join.
The event is great, the exp is steady and so is the leveling.
Any new players need help message me ingame /FatFighter - i've only just started myself but i'll try and help any way I can. :D


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
Youd be capital K for Krazy not to play Project69..

You gone insane? :fthrower:LOL

Server is decent guys! Get urselfs online!!
Missing out on all the fun here><

I mean theres some of u out there that think P69 is real hard leveling yeah?

Big updates prove it not to be.

XeOnic for example

24 Hours he did level 67-76.
Non-stop leveling but that what most people do who are intrested in mir really, Its not all about the leveling anymore either;

More Fights
More Bosses
Sly bit of lvling and pk a few people
Go nick some peoples bosses + pk them get some ncie items

Remember the days when p69 first came out and you we're all dreaming of owning a high level char?

Nows the chance to be that high level!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 8, 2003
Seems Project69 really hasn't lost all its magic. Lets take a look at what the recent updates did to the usercount:

Peak time just 20 days ago
[17/03/2009 20:04:08] Users: 52
[17/03/2009 20:09:08] Users: 52
[17/03/2009 20:14:08] Users: 52
[17/03/2009 20:19:08] Users: 49
[17/03/2009 20:24:08] Users: 46
[17/03/2009 20:29:08] Users: 47
[17/03/2009 20:34:08] Users: 48
[17/03/2009 20:39:08] Users: 46
[17/03/2009 20:44:08] Users: 44
[17/03/2009 20:49:08] Users: 50
[17/03/2009 20:54:08] Users: 48
[17/03/2009 20:59:08] Users: 56

Peak time today
[07/04/2009 20:03:50] Users: 126
[07/04/2009 20:08:50] Users: 128
[07/04/2009 20:13:50] Users: 131
[07/04/2009 20:18:51] Users: 131
[07/04/2009 20:23:51] Users: 129
[07/04/2009 20:28:51] Users: 137
[07/04/2009 20:33:51] Users: 135
[07/04/2009 20:38:51] Users: 134
[07/04/2009 20:43:51] Users: 138
[07/04/2009 20:48:51] Users: 136
[07/04/2009 20:53:51] Users: 133
[07/04/2009 20:58:51] Users: 128

Id like to thank the players for their continued support and input of ideas that fuel my work on the server.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
Oh wow i feel so honoured! *Jokes*

But yeah guys scorp has been working real hard to get that user count back up and its working pretty dramatically!

The legendary server fights back! And has it worked? YES!
Get onlineee!!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
u start of and get 0 gold, and 0.03% a hittin a brick wall. lol

Farmer Quests give about 30% each once complete at level 54.
The best way to make gold is to go HiddenLands, pot up - then sell a few bundles. Probably meet RedSkele while your there, get the bones. Maybe Gold if you lucky - then you can hand in that quest.
Then head to WTKR and kill them for some hearts, once you get one heart your pretty much set for pots and so forth. Then you can do more quests, get more kit. :D


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Farmer Quests give about 30% each once complete at level 54.
The best way to make gold is to go HiddenLands, pot up - then sell a few bundles. Probably meet RedSkele while your there, get the bones. Maybe Gold if you lucky - then you can hand in that quest.
Then head to WTKR and kill them for some hearts, once you get one heart your pretty much set for pots and so forth. Then you can do more quests, get more kit. :D

are taos still warrior tanks on this? or actually tao's ??