9/11 - proof, America attacking itself.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 24, 2004
Vannaroth said:
Oh here we go again, ''watch the video, watch the video, blah blah blah''. No, I will not watch the video, I have seen 20 minutes of it and I have never seen so much farce crammed into such a short space of time. It is stupid, you are stupid, all those who believe it are stupid.


fool tbh.........................


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 21, 2006
Woodley, Reading
I cant believe that i actully wasted my time reading this thread by mentaL, i actully found it insulting towards 9/11 rather than a lie or anything that MentaL and the rest of you are saying. I gave you respect after u stopped being such a ****y twat MentaL, but posting this makes me dislike you more than ever. Btw insted of arguing with Urban who is actully right, why not go out for a bit?

Spria said:
meh i cant make u watch the video, if i could i would just so ud shut up

but atm u cant form a proper arguement, u havnt seen both side of it

as for me personally, ppl agruing over this saying that america didnt do it.

every1 may as well ignore ur posts if u havnt watched it.

its 2 and a half hours maybe, watch it believe what u believe at the end of it then post what u think, then im sure the other ppl who have watched the video will then, be willing to take what u have to say into consideration

*please note i may not be the best person to put this agruement forward as my english skills are crap i just thought it needed saying*

Any one who lisens to this jack ass, will waste their life on a forum
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
It's just I don't see why its so hard to accept it as a possibility to be honest. I mean for those who are so hellbent on proving Al-Qaida attacked, there seems to be much more evidence to at least suggest they weren't involved.

Thats the really scary question, considering the impact that accusation has had on the world today - causing a meglomaniac to declare war on "Terror" or in other worse War on "Anyone-who-apposes-US-interests". It's true.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 28, 2006
Spria said:
fool tbh.........................

Yes, we're fools because we refuse to believe that a country killed its own people. Sorry if I'm holding on to the last belief here that there are actually decent people left in this world, that's just my mentality. I refuse to give into such views.

I'm sure you watched the video of that guy getting his head cut off too?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 21, 2006
Woodley, Reading
Valerii said:
Yes, we're fools because we refuse to believe that a country killed its own people. Sorry if I'm holding on to the last belief here that there are actually decent people left in this world, that's just my mentality. I refuse to give into such views.

I'm sure you watched the video of that guy getting his head cut off too?

Spira is just one of your every day 10 year old kids. If there was an ignore button on this forum, i would ignore him :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 24, 2004
Valerii said:
I'm sure you watched the video of that guy getting his head cut off too?

nope i decided it was pointless to watch


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
It's the people who cannot even contemplate something like this happening who I don't understand.

How can it be stupid to consider it as a possibility

People keep saying America had little to gain, but what did the "terrorists" have to gain, why do people seem to think Osama bin Laden is hell bent on mindless destruction?

Watch the video, with at least and open mind. If you still disagree fair enough.

I'm not sure I believe America would attack itself. However there are a lot of unanswered questions which are brought up in that film.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 21, 2006
Woodley, Reading
MiloFoxburr said:
there is

http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=6888 Click add spira to ignore list

Thank you :bounce: .

Lian : We dont believe this fact because it has taken you atleast 3-4 years for this post to be made. Also i have a belief in America that its actully just helping the population rather than getting hundreds of people that do service to America every day (many Firemen and police were killed) so i seriously dont believe that it can be true that they would want people that help people every day to die.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 24, 2004
so now ur all gunna argue about this and ignore any 1 who sees differently, and then u say im the 10 year old

at least ive tryed to see it from ur point of view.

u urselfs should grow up


Apr 15, 2003
Liandrin2 said:
It's the people who cannot even contemplate something like this happening who I don't understand.

How can it be stupid to consider it as a possibility

Sure it can be considered a possibility, but its as likely as jamis becoming an admin, or getting some GCSE's.

Martyn said:
money buys everything dude.. for 7million, you wouldnt run a few plains into buildings?? its heartless.. but its human life..

Or! Or! they could increase pole tax or sommat by just 2c and get $8,872,024.02 (based on a population of 295,734,134 as listed on the cia website). Please think before you even consider that as an option, killing loads of people for a measly 7million


Many of you may know that i have a general dislike towards America, I think their president is an incompetent ejitt, and the majority of the people are annoyingly arrogant, stupid, retarted and brainwashed. However, i dont think even a nation as fu*ked as America would attack themselves like that. (However i do believe the Iraq war was purely for their own benifit and not for the reasons they gave)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Or! Or! they could increase pole tax or sommat by just 2c and get $8,872,024.02 (based on a population of 295,734,134 as listed on the cia website). Please think before you even consider that as an option, killing loads of people for a measly 7million

lol, Martyn would like 7million in his pocket and the US Govt. would like 400 trillion added to its economy. Remember an economy doesn't work in terms of pure hard cash, but is based on the capacity and stability of the whole structure.

I've made up my mind and I don't think the US attacked itself directly, but I admit I think that they allowed themselves to be attacked. That way you get the reaction without the guilt factor as Valerii pointed out.



LOMCN Veteran
Feb 7, 2004
At start i thought this guy who posted the links is a prick and that urban was right heh, what guverment would go against each other but how i saw the video's my opinion has changed although i still find it hard to believe that they killed shet lots of people just for cash, as america is one of the ritches countries if not the ritches.


Apr 15, 2003
Turin, I am ware of that, i was just pointing out an easier way for the government to raise a measly 7million if they wanted to :)


I would also like to add "Jamis learning how to spell" to my list of more likely probabilities


May 7, 2003
Valerii said:
I saw a video in school once, which was an anti-conspiracy video, aimed to direct the youth of today out of following stupid conspiracy projects which people chuck out on a daily basis, and I'm not joking, there is literally a conspiracy theory for almost everything.

The way that they did it was to use conspiracy against us, by projecting it directly on us. They showed us a very, very, very convincing film telling us how we had evolved from a single cell organism, but instead of going through the transition of a chimp, we actually evolved from a giraffe.

Do you know why we didn't get brainwashed by the video? Because it's stupid, because common sense prevails, because following your gut WORKS and because conspiracy theories are what they are, and very very few ever turn out to be true, or even close to true, or even fully proven.

Heck, I don’t really care if you want to walk around with your banner, telling everyone that America killed America, and how we never landed on the moon, and how aliens exist on this planet kept in a secret military base called Area 51. If I can see it, and understand it, I’ll believe it.

If some anti-everything bloke who’s got nothing better to do than to make up stories wants to spend the rest of his life telling everyone how they’ve been duped, good for him. But as for me, I’m just going to sit back, let the world go round, have a good life, and not worry. Because that’s what life for me is about, enjoying it, not picking holes in everything because you’ve got nothing better to do.

Honestly, I don't think the truth lies in that video, but I also doubt the US Government is telling the untainted truth. We already know they like to tell porky pies, after they lied about using phospherous weapons in their war efforts.

Just my 2 pence :)


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
Spria said:
mmm, it seems every1 who is saying that america attacked itself (myself included) has actually watched them videos.

every1 whos saying that its all bull**** hasnt.

i know ur probly just gunna say why should we watch this **** but why dont u watch it.

even if u find every flaw in it u can then post bk, just at least watch it and try see our points

I don't watch propaganda.

I have seen videos however on the conspiracy that a small jet plane flew into the Pentagon, how we didn't land on the moon, Area 51, and other ones. And they are just jokes.

Turin said:
I've made up my mind and I don't think the US attacked itself directly, but I admit I think that they allowed themselves to be attacked. That way you get the reaction without the guilt factor as Valerii pointed out.


Yeah, that is obvious - they had proof 2 months in advance that this was going to happen, but we were to prideful to think anyone would do this to us.



Until you read all 585 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report, shut up. Because you no room to talk.




Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2006
Page 313 of the report has a picture of the collapsed pentagon which is just one singular block.

Page 314 then states "at 9:37, the west wall of the pentagon was hit by a highjacked American airlines Flight 77."

Problem is..


outline of a small plane.


real size of what should have hit





Oh and..

Wheres the burn marks from the impact and such?

Link: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/flight77.htm
Link: http://thewebfairy.com/killtown/flight77/debris.html


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2006
Could have been remote controlled smaller plane which i think it was or could have been a missile.. Who knows.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2005
At the end of the day, who gives a ****?.

Why do you care so much about this **** Dan? lol.
