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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 23, 2007
Since the advertisement post is locked,

And the Elysian's own forum every post gets deleted or locked by 12 year old admins,

Ill post what I thought of the server while it was up.

First impression: Seemed like a pretty cool server, quite popular and hailed as the next new long term server.

First Day: Lots of bugs seemed apparent, quest system useless and bugged, cant see items on ground unless u spam tab after u kill every mob, MP pots bugged which seemed basic, exp was high.

Server Reboot: Server reboot 10 minutes after me finally getting set up and it was down for the night....

Day 2: Exp seemed pretty good and leveling was fast and fun with items with decent stats. Day was again plauged by constant reboots which put the server down for more than 50% of the day.

Day 3: Server down from the start, then went up for an hour before it got taken down again and theres now going to be an item wipe. The admin's arent updating anyone on whats happening atall, no ETA's no communication whatsoever.

Server Forums: Terrible, every thread gets flamed locked or deleted hence why im posting here.

Overall: Server has good potential but needs to be taken down and time spent on it to get it right and especially start fixing the bugs.

Just my two cents


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
Shhhh don't post this! People have been telling them this, they will just ignore.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
I totally agree, and for people that think im just trying to slate the server because I run FH, well whatever, i'm not.

There is a distinct lack of communication to what is actually going on, even if its out of Icemans hands and he has to wait for the coders to fix it up, then so be it, but the players should be notified that he can't do anything apart from wait.

The server has a lot of potential, yes it has its bugs but what files don't, even TDs files, that are said to be the most stable and usable, have bugs. I just feel all its hopes have been layed on the coding side of it, and other ingame content has been neglected.

You say that it should be taken down and time spent on it, but when I think of how much time this has been in development, how much more time will it take to get it to a decent standard?

As for forums, don't even get me started. Picked the worst 2 moderators possible, I got warned for my signature, so I changed it, I then got banned for it even after I had changed it, got unbanned as it was unjustified, then got warned by another moderator for my previous signature before he had even checked my new one, they have no idea what they are doing.

Like ive said before, has potential, but failed to reach expectation at the moment.


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 20, 2006
My opinion - good server, bad team.

does iceman even speak english? don't bull**** me with dyslexic stuff, if he was english he would be able to tell if something made sense or not...
here is a quote taken from his post earlier today- (this was his reply to whats happening, and why is the server down)
'''The items is reading its forum wrong in wtch is making the char item db read the wrong item id aka messin up items''

im not saying foreign people shouldn't run a server, but having iceman speak like this causes trouble, as people re-post to ask the same question, because they don't understand his reply.

everytime server is down for '10mins' its down for atleast 6 hours.

The server has potential, but it is nowhere near complete, and shouldn't even be in beta really


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Can see where you're coming from. You can give mature and well thought out constructive criticism, whereas Ben, although may not always mean it but comes across as slating the server in a "mines better than yours" way. As I say, he may not mean it that way, but it does come across that way. - Aimed at Celcius and the OP

My opinions was that it looked nice, has some nice features... But lacks in content.

I can understand the little bugs, you'd expect them but the server needed to have about 10 or so people to login and play around with a basic layout, as it is now to find these bugs... call it closed beta?
Whilst these players are messing around, coders will be busy fixing bugs, someone else should be busy adding more content.
Caves, mobs, bosses, items, quests.. You can leave the euro/usa feel to it, but you still need more content to make it more "appealing".

You don't need loads, you can add it all at a later stage, thats what I used to do on Foundation all those years ago. just made a base set to get players started, then as they started to get higher and bored of killing usual bosses, add more... This is what keeps players happy.
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
I think icemans made some very bad choices in the forum department, and there seems to be so many team members where 1 person says something, and then the other guy says the oposite...

You need 1 head, main guy.. where what he says, goes, thats final... this should be iceman

where as u have iceman sayin there will not be a char wipe, only levels.. then kyn sayin no wipe. then smavid who every1 keeps referin to as "just a map maker" altho has a GM, makin polls about full server wipes!

If i was iceman..... i would take the server down, do an annoucement saying servers down ty for helpin test blah balh

work on the server, get it up to standards, then re release as a full wipe... all those sayin dont full wipe, screw u, its like 4days of work, ud rather have the server ruined over a couple hrs work in the long run?

get a grip, ppl will still play if u wipe. do wot u have to do.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 19, 2010
I think icemans made some very bad choices in the forum department, and there seems to be so many team members where 1 person says something, and then the other guy says the oposite...

You need 1 head, main guy.. where what he says, goes, thats final... this should be iceman

where as u have iceman sayin there will not be a char wipe, only levels.. then kyn sayin no wipe. then smavid who every1 keeps referin to as "just a map maker" altho has a GM, makin polls about full server wipes!

If i was iceman..... i would take the server down, do an annoucement saying servers down ty for helpin test blah balh

work on the server, get it up to standards, then re release as a full wipe... all those sayin dont full wipe, screw u, its like 4days of work, ud rather have the server ruined over a couple hrs work in the long run?

get a grip, ppl will still play if u wipe. do wot u have to do.

This, tbh.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 20, 2005
shut up ben you ****ing turd, you should be grateful anyone even pays attention to what you say


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 19, 2010
Agreeing with you makes me sadder, you fat prick.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 23, 2007
what is the deal with the amount of flaming 12 year olds on any mir related forum, discuss elysian or piss off


LOMCN Developer
Feb 19, 2009
Reading, UK
Ive always maintained id have nothing to do with the content of server, however I know its being worked on as we speak, which was due to the feedback recieved ingame.

As for the actual "files" bugs were pretty basic those niggly easy to miss ones, majoriy have been sorted.

I agree that we should have it down now for a week or so, get it sorted then put it back up.

Shorty: Thanks for your wonderful comment on the psychology of what we do and dont listen to, very perceptive.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
what is the deal with the amount of flaming 12 year olds on any mir related forum, discuss elysian or piss off
Easier to just ignore em, and report for abuse. They do need to grow up :thumbup2:

Ive always maintained id have nothing to do with the content of server, however I know its being worked on as we speak, which was due to the feedback recieved ingame.

As for the actual "files" bugs were pretty basic those niggly easy to miss ones, majoriy have been sorted.

I agree that we should have it down now for a week or so, get it sorted then put it back up.

Shorty: Thanks for your wonderful comment on the psychology of what we do and dont listen to, very perceptive.
like dieing and losing all your quests? :001_tt2:

altho it was in testin for ages... it still should have gone thro a open beta with an annouced wipe, regardless of if there were bugs or not.

ppl are just annoyed cause there was said no wipe, now a wipes happenin. you know full well wot mir geeks are like.. if u say no wipe they'll believe u and geek all out, then cry if u hvae to wipe


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2010
Servers been down all day, no response from Iceman, any idea whats appening kyn?

It keeps looking more and more like theres gonna be a full wipe, id rather know now, and it gets taken down, than spend another week leveling for no reason.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 9, 2005
Easier to just ignore em, and report for abuse. They do need to grow up :thumbup2:

like dieing and losing all your quests? :001_tt2:

altho it was in testin for ages... it still should have gone thro a open beta with an annouced wipe, regardless of if there were bugs or not.

ppl are just annoyed cause there was said no wipe, now a wipes happenin. you know full well wot mir geeks are like.. if u say no wipe they'll believe u and geek all out, then cry if u hvae to wipe

There is a ITEM wipe not a char wipe :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
Don't think I'm just being spiteful, such a web of awful communication breeds a sense of ignorance from the team as a whole, that's why noone thinks you listen to them. Get communication with your players sorted and the rest will fall into place. So you are welcome for my insight :)


LOMCN Developer
Feb 19, 2009
Reading, UK
As far as im aware, characters will be kept in place, as for items it depends on how new DBs coincide with the current character DBs but there is a possibility of a wipe, its not set in stone yet.

Don't think I'm just being spiteful, such a web of awful communication breeds a sense of ignorance from the team as a whole, that's why noone thinks you listen to them. Get communication with your players sorted and the rest will fall into place. So you are welcome for my insight

I was being sarcastic, in reality i think half the stuff you say makes no sense, that "hacking" post you made, I dunno WTF you were talking about. It seems like you Google stuff then try and make it sound like you understand it.

Maybe change your msn name to "Shorty - Googling"
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Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
you know what half of you can go *** yourself first off

now i have a lfe and run a company but many of you dont know that.
and my lil girl comes befor any of you sorry to say.

most ppl ben matt shorty or what not prob dont as stuff on there plate as me or kyn for that matter.

tbh i care care less what any other then a coder has cuz they dont under the work that goes into the code.

with that said i'm taking my kid to the park for the nite.

peace if i get the server online or not take it easy and enjoy life


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
As far as im aware, characters will be kept in place, as for items it depends on how new DBs coincide with the current character DBs but there is a possibility of a wipe, its not set in stone yet.

Just announce a full wipe, fix everything, revamp what needed improving and release it... then people will actually enjoy playing, and all these reboots won't need to occur.

Anyone saying they won't return after a full wipe - bollox, they're geeks. They'll do it again.
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