Ti lung


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2007
ok np with that server is coming on nice . but keep getting booted now can not get past connecting to server lol :)


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2007
need item patch for crystalwar/wizz items or some where to get it thanx :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 30, 2008
How come int and improve the skills of int it costs 1000, increase the drop ...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 30, 2008
Changed to 500

New DMenu added and UnderGround Office

500integral is also much, increase drop integral.

PS: You can also enter the UP bags that flew to from time to time with the mobs;)
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LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2007
important need item patch as many others do cant see half lvl 80 kit which means can not wear em lol plz sort a.s.a.p thanx like the new updates server coming on good


May 3, 2010
well if its such a waste of time why are you even posting here?? noone needs your 2 cent replys..
ontopic: server is really good, all it needs its more players and maybe no noobs like QU33N, Lomcnviewer (ryan who was banned for being a lil fat kid who has nothing better to do then to annoy the GMs,and players..

cry kid, thx 4 ur lil post on facebook ;)


LOMCN Veteran
May 30, 2006
killerpot11 & Exwizzy (Tony) Let a good n long term server come online, then we will see whos a real noob.


Average user count in an evening is 7 to 12

Upgrade spells to level 9 from Integral Master


Feb 1, 2010
unless matt gets rid of that dirty scum of a gm redrider i aint playing this server... he delvled my bro from 107 to 50 and says wers ur proff he was a 107, once i proved him wrong that he was 107 ( 81 fps and 25 lvls of leveling scrolls) he put him back because i was right then he starts on about the exp event last night. because he started the exp event at 12am for him self to go level when it should have been started at 3PM as stated on here (lomcn) so i prove him wrong again and then he starts globaled abuse about me ( so i started with the abuse ) then he kicks me.. i have screenshots of everything he said to me tonight and me and my bro aint logging on this server again untill that piece of **** gets sorted

edit: and not to mention him reading mine and matts chats on msn to see if i had been talking about him... LOL sad freak needs to sort his life out!!!(from what he was telling me lol!! lets just say i dont blame them for taking them away (yes a dig at you because uve pissed me offf so much) ) :)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2010
unless matt gets rid of that dirty scum of a gm redrider i aint playing this server... he delvled my bro from 107 to 50 and says wers ur proff he was a 107, once i proved him wrong that he was 107 ( 81 fps and 25 lvls of leveling scrolls) he put him back because i was right then he starts on about the exp event last night. because he started the exp event at 12am for him self to go level when it should have been started at 3PM as stated on here (lomcn) so i prove him wrong again and then he starts globaled abuse about me ( so i started with the abuse ) then he kicks me.. i have screenshots of everything he said to me tonight and me and my bro aint logging on this server again untill that piece of **** gets sorted

It's a hard life.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2007
thanx for item patch still can not see crystaltaonecklace or any the crystalwarrings etc :( lol need full items patch as using rnd client same for many others really annoying tbh :(


unless matt gets rid of that dirty scum of a gm redrider i aint playing this server... he delvled my bro from 107 to 50 and says wers ur proff he was a 107, once i proved him wrong that he was 107 ( 81 fps and 25 lvls of leveling scrolls) he put him back because i was right then he starts on about the exp event last night. because he started the exp event at 12am for him self to go level when it should have been started at 3PM as stated on here (lomcn) so i prove him wrong again and then he starts globaled abuse about me ( so i started with the abuse ) then he kicks me.. i have screenshots of everything he said to me tonight and me and my bro aint logging on this server again untill that piece of **** gets sorted

edit: and not to mention him reading mine and matts chats on msn to see if i had been talking about him... LOL sad freak needs to sort his life out!!!(from what he was telling me lol!! lets just say i dont blame them for taking them away (yes a dig at you because uve pissed me offf so much) ) :)
First off Tony, I've seen the chat logs. You was being just as abusive, infact even more so than what RedRider was. So the fact you was kicked from the server lastnight, I'm in total agreement with, now with regards to your brother being dleveled. This was put right and he is back at the level he was and so no argument on that point.

Now with regards to the x2 on exp, this should have started at 04-10-2010 03:49 PM but didn't start until around 4pmish and had gone through until 4pmish the next day. Even with the server rebooted the exp of x2 will have carried on, as it was done through CD and not the event script. You then complained at me about it, so through the event npc I gave you x2 for 2 hours and you can't say you didn't know it was for 2 hours, as the script tells you it's only 2 hours. However due to a bug in the script it did run a lot longer until the server was rebooted. So actually you got more than what should have been done.

You then complained to RedRider about this and was given another x2 on exp, which you shouldn't have had at all and this was removed on my say so to RedRider. So yes you did lie to RedRider over this matter and when I explained to RedRider about how the original exp event was done, it was tehn removed.

As for having RedRider on the server, he has done a hell of a lot of work on this server in my absence. So sorry to say Tony, RedRider is staying. But bare in mind that any issue with anything, should be reported to me directly through pm on the forum and not as abuse towards other staff in global chat. I do go through the chat logs, so I do know what goes off.

Now due to some exploiting of the free UPLevelScroll, these now have a level limit on them. If you get to level 70 without using these, then you won't be able to use them after level 70. I would suggest that you use these at level 45, or you will not be able to use them all.

As for the item patch, that contains everything that is needed to see the items. Let me know which items you can't see.
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