Camalot - The Three Heroes (Heroes)

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 30, 2003
Nobody will go for defensive stats like AC/AMC over offensive like DC/SC/MC

thats what i thought, about 1 in 10 would go for defensive i rekon. theres not realy any other ways to provide an option though apart from defense vs attack.

Could add some addition teleports in like defensive players get quicker teleports to dungeons than offensive? something to add to the deal to balance things out.

maybe even a faster running speed if thats possible?

just something that will encourage people to choose the other direction too.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 24, 2003
Destructive: The warrior who has chosen this path will be allowed to learn skills with a destructive measure such as; rage, flaming sword... This Warrior Era will provide a character with the most power mad character if chosen right.

Protective: The protective warrior will be allowed to learn skills which will help them in battle to recieve less damage, such as; protectionfield, healing, repulsion... This Warrior Era will provide you with a character in which will be highly skilled in protection and take little damage when in combat!

Does this mean that the protective path wont get to learn FlameSword ? So are they not meant to kill anything. Personally if I were to choose a warrior Ill go the protective path simple because I love high ac but if that means leveling slower than the Destructive path (meaning solo) I may choose against it. Maybe have something extra that makes the Protective path more unique perhaps pets. Tank pets or Attack pets.
Again with the wizards does it mean that the Fire class wont be able to tame pets or have any at all?

I like your ideas your server sounds great , good luck with it but these huge decisions very early on in the game could ruin the server if your not careful and fully think this through.
Perhaps give the player one more chance to change hes path once hes higher level.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
Really wondering who on earth will pick the blue subclasses lol...Why on earth would a war repulse ppl???Aint the point of a war to get in close range with a target?

To whoever makes this server like i have said again on this post.The files got tons unique things already never seen before.They even have 20 new stats if used properly...Just work on proper caves and items instead of weird ideas...

I know you are working hard to make this server unique but since you want feedback i will be honest with you.Your ideas suck big time and sound childish...None of em improves gameplay in my eyes.Taxes?Warp stone?

I dont think you have planned this server properly unless you are really bad in giving out info.
Example.Subclasses....Where is a proper description about em?Is what you posted there the only differences between the subclasses?So a protect war will have same hp/ac/amc with a damage warrior (well obv more with profield) along with couple useless spells?

If you are actually building a subclass system plan it carefully and post as many details as possible.The same goes for most features which lack description atm.They might be balanced perfectly but i really thing they are just ideas right now.Or thats what you make me think.

In conclusion if you want proper feedback post details.Atm everything i read here sounds crap and not planned at all.Just random ideas.

PS.I have no intention of insulting you or dissing your work or whatever.Im just posting what i think so far trying to help you realise couple things before you waste your time on a fail server.


LOMCN Veteran
May 6, 2009
subclasses or systems like need to be spot on. and yes atleast 70% of people will chose to get more attack. i dno what these files are like with editing the power of spells, but if its good making just the spells slightly dif for each sub could work. like attack = weak magic shield, but strong MeteorStrike. etc etc.

Best of luck with it tho matey


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 30, 2003
Regarding the elemental idea, after speaking with tom about it we are going to scrap the idea as i thought it was silly to take spells away from classess, bit like buying a car with 2 wheels..and i figured other players would feel the same. Lucky we have 3 hardcore mir players on our team so we can think of ideas we would like to see on the server as a player and debate them, 3 minds is better than 1.

Heaven and Hell subclassess i think is a great idea:

Example heaven war would gain extra a.speed, hp, ac
hell war would gain extra DC, amc.

So it is a tough decision between a.speed and DC.

Just an example, stats arent set in stone yet, Would also be a heaven island and a hell island with different bonuses. I think its a pretty cool idea, id love to see a heaven vs hell war too but no idea how that would work. Maybe we would add a quest in the future to convert from heaven to hell or something if people demanded it we would probably do it.

And Squall, we have 3 developers on this so its not like were just thinkin of crazy ideas and writing scripts, these ideas are just the ideas tom is scripting, we are doing other things too.
I am the one working on a solid cave system so thats not being forgotten for the sake of ideas i assure you, i just dont see the need to explain every cave and idea i have, i think the games about exploring so im not going to tell you all my quests and caves yet. Im in this for the long haul and want to make it a great server.

Regarding the new item stats, It will be a high-ish level style quest to stat an item, yourl need to find some items and then you can upgrade 2%(blindness+chaos) and like 5% for others each time you do the quest upto a maximum of 3 times per item. We dont want people having ridiculous blindness and chaos stats. It wont be easy, there sexy stats and will be a fun challenge to get them.

So with an item you can:
Quest to Convert to Elite > Quest for the "new" stats > gem + orb
Each cave will also have a killcount quest etc.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
Ye m8 u dont have to explain caves thats obvious.

Just when you are trying to introduce some new features explain em more.

Btw on your example every1 would go hell.Server sounds like a high rate so i would guess you would have max aspeed already.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 30, 2003
ok good point about a speed will consider some other stats, i know its hard to make a subcllass work but well think of a way. The point of saying ideas here before they are fully implemented is to gain feedback before we waste our time implementing then.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
The two servers can go up before ours.

Gathered from the information Camalot Dev Team was talking about today, we are keeping the Heaven & Hell feature and it WILL be balanced. Tier 2 items is nearly complete. These items are the rare items which will be implemented into the Elite System. The website will be operational asap to give users the information they are looking for on the server. Killcount quests are being implemented outside every cave, giving prizes so make sure you complete them. There will be other quests which will be added asap. Server work is running smoothly and I can honestly say we have a very talent Dev Team to supply you with a unique server.

There will be something in BETA which will attract users to the server to help us test it and also give any BETA testers a head start.

Camalot is coming soon!


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
New! Stable Master

This feature supplys you with rides; tigers, horses and a phoenix. You can purchase these with Player Points. Please read up on Player Points if you don't know what they are. These rides make you run faster than normal without and health points being lost.

In my opinion, a ride is a neccessity in Camalot due to quests and provinces require running. Plus there are warpers around Camalot to warp you to caves however you need to unlock the caves first and have a WarpStone to use the warper.


Our main focus today has been on implementing quests to bichon and connecting passages to leave bichon to get to different provinces.

One of our Dev Team is just helping a family member moving house so database work is prolonging. Will be done asap. However it gives me and James more time to implement more quests/maps and features.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 24, 2003
As its been pointed out it seems this system would suit better for a low rate that way in a long run the differences between a.speed/ac and dc/amc would show.
I think Dc/Ac and A.speed/Amc for Heaven/Hell are a better match.
But we only know the basics and I know nothing of these extra stats you have. You say it would be balanced. I certainly hope so good luck with it.
Getting it right will make all the difference.

Also regarding the heaven/hell thing as some pointed out majority will go for the more attack path so mix and match as much as you can I guess.
More attack warriors for hell but more attack taos/wiz for heaven something like that. Im just trying to give you as much input as I can regarding the matter.
Another way to do it is have the server automate the heaven/hell selection process so players dont get to choose which they want to be but this should keep things more balanced. Players will certainly not like this though and would search for ways out of it. Perhaps leave it upto the players at the start and monitor it and after a month or so and then have the server go through a little saga or something. eg The Lands of Camalot have become over ridden by the forces of evil. Forces of good unite! so now automate the selection for new players to join heaven side only or give the heaven side some bonuses that will help players decide on choosing the weaker side.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 30, 2003
You make some good points, basically you will be able to level up your heaven/hell bonus as you level up eg every 20 levels you would be able to reset your bonus to a higher level to keep in-line with your stats.
A.speed bonus would be abit of a waste as max a.speed could come round pretty quick and id rather just avoid that problem than have to work around it.
One idea floating about is that heaven would get a healer pet (to persuade people to join the weaker faction as you say).
So hell = + DC MC SC
Heaven= + ac + amc + healer pet

Would you say this is a fair trade off? If not the other consideration is maybe heaven can get 1 free KR teleport per day? I dont like the idea of KR teleports but would consider it to persuade more people to join heaven. So if you got a group of heavens u could all tele to a uber kr once per day and smash a boss.

Heaven + Hell islands wont happen yet now as ive added too many provinces already another 2 would just be overkill now ><. But its possible as a future patch.


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
lol another server trying to add Heaven and Hell. people add it then it just turns out crap. you need to make it the main face of the game


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 24, 2003
You make some good points, basically you will be able to level up your heaven/hell bonus as you level up eg every 20 levels you would be able to reset your bonus to a higher level to keep in-line with your stats.
A.speed bonus would be abit of a waste as max a.speed could come round pretty quick and id rather just avoid that problem than have to work around it.
One idea floating about is that heaven would get a healer pet (to persuade people to join the weaker faction as you say).
So hell = + DC MC SC
Heaven= + ac + amc + healer pet

Would you say this is a fair trade off? If not the other consideration is maybe heaven can get 1 free KR teleport per day? I dont like the idea of KR teleports but would consider it to persuade more people to join heaven. So if you got a group of heavens u could all tele to a uber kr once per day and smash a boss.

Heaven + Hell islands wont happen yet now as ive added too many provinces already another 2 would just be overkill now ><. But its possible as a future patch.

As daneo1989 said I agree if your going to go with this system you need to think more on it than you already have. It really needs to become a bigger part of Calmalots experience
and make the paths mandatory. You dont want it feeling like some half assed sub class system. It needs to feel like a separate world in a world kind of thing thats always there.

About the stats I dont think it should be as simple as more dc/mc/sc for hell or ac/amc for heaven. I understand you dont want to give much info away but this is something you need a lot more player input on. How are you planning on achieving these differences? You said something about bonuses. Does this include heaven/hell specific gear?
I still think Dc/Ac and A.speed/Amc for Heaven/Hell make a better match. Of course only talking about warriors here. Whats you plan for speed on items anyways?
If speed 9 is max then why not cap speed on items. eg A.speed +5 for the rarest of necklaces (no speed on rings) and then have hell specific weapons come with permanent speed
bonuses 1+ and then have heaven weps with permanent speed malices such as -1 or -2 etc. Differences between level 100 warriors is that hell warrior has max speed +9 and heaven warrior has max speed + 6 (as an example). The difference between Heaven and Hell clearly need to show on higher level players.
About the healer pet. I think having pets for warriors undermines taoists alot but then again it depends on how you balances it off with tao/wiz pets.
I dont think you should limit it to just healer pets. Have pet classes for them so its something they can spend time on. eg a Healer Pet class / Attack pet class / Tank pet class
but make it so they have to work harder for the attack/tank pets. Maybe they have to gain special heaven points or something and they can spend that on getting a special
class pet otherwise its free for the healer class.

These are just a few points in a warriors point of view. You need to carefully think how you will set the heaven/hell differences etc for the other two classes and then try and see the bigger picture. An all out heaven vs hell war, how will it look and feel. Will heaven players pvp against other heaven players in one way and then totally change there technique for pvping against hell players. Perhaps somehow have a colour pattern thing going. eg heaven specific items are lighter coloured whilst hell are darker so in wars etc players can tell whos heaven hell just by looking at them.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 30, 2003
not realy sure mate, weve all been busy with irl stuff but still chipping away at it we wont be a flash in the pan server so be ready when its ready.
Im too much of a perfectionist so its taking me ages to do everything lol. I hope in a week or 2.
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